
Friday, 28 May 2021

10 Fun Facts About Wellinton

hi guys today i am going to be telling you about 10 facts about wellington.

1The beehive was opened up in may 1977.

2 Wellington takes its name from Arthur Wellesley, the first Duke.

3  wellingtons maori is Te Whanganui-a-Tara.

4  what sort of tranports they have  in wellington they have trolley bus.

5 wellington is the capitl of new zealand. 

6 tourist attarctions  in  Wellington cable cars. 

7 animals they have wellington zoo they have kiwis  they also have elephant.

8 the highest point in wellington is Mt Kaukau trig.

9   the population in Wellington  is 212,700 (2017.

10  parks in wellington there is central park all sort. 

Monday, 24 May 2021

what is bulling

Hello ladies and gentlemen. Today I am going be telling you about  what Kody, Villar and I have been doing for a  few days now we had to show you guys what bullying looks like through photos 

and we had to plan it out what we were going to be doing.

Me bullying Villar and Kody trying to stop Me.  

                                Kody getting me back for bullying Villar and Villar telling Kody to to stop 

leave and some feed back 

Friday, 21 May 2021

facts about instruments

 Hi readers today i am going to be tellng you about musicel instruments' and facts about the imstuments that i have down there are two called  pūtātara and pūkāea. I also made made pic on gogle drawings of one of them.

Here is what i have down.

I learnt about these instruments and that the are really lound and that the nose can go long distances'and  what sort of sound the play.
I would like to next time is to learn more about these instriments and what sort of sound the play and etc.

Please leave a comment and' some feed back bye see you next time.

Thursday, 6 May 2021


 Hi ladies and gentle men.

This is my engish 2021 review that i did for the last couple of days. here is what 
i did

please leave a comment  thank you for reading my blog today bye

Wednesday, 5 May 2021


Hi  ladies and gentle men that are reading my blog.

today i am going to tell you about what i have been doing in wga.

here is what i have down please leave a comment. thanks for reading my blog.

kintsugi is were you fix things and how they fix it.
just say that you have broken knife and you what to fix it you use this thing called kintsugi.
say that you favrite toy snapped in half how you would fix would be to use this thing called kintsugi it is were you stong glue to hold it together.