
Friday, 25 June 2021


 hi laides and gentlemen 

Today i am going to be telling you about  matariki and what me and my friend kody have been doing  the last 2 days or so. we made a poster about matariki we put the timeline behind it.   what day it is in the year.

what it is for.

how mony sisiblings  there are.

Wednesday, 23 June 2021

Rubber band car

Hi guys today i am going to be telling you about the  steam project that my and the hamonye are working on 
what we are doing is a rubber band powered  car  with popsicles sticks rubber bands   bottle lids  hot glue.  were not aloud to use power or technolgy the rubber band   car is supposed  help people by bringing them phones maybe drinks of water or even medicence to people who are disabled.
This is what me and my buddy have been working on its apparently something that can help in the future in
 like 2050.

Thank you for reading my blog please leave a comment.

Tuesday, 22 June 2021

hornby high school recipe

   hi guys that are reading  my blog today  i amgoing to be telling you about my recipe that i did here is what i have down

please leave a commitment bye

Friday, 18 June 2021

nga tangata 2021


this is my work that ihave been doing on kahoot for the past couple of weeks please leave a comment 
 and some feed back bye 


 hi guys this is my pepeha that i have been doing for the last week or two this is what i have down so fare  

please leave a comment once you are down reading it bye tane 

Thursday, 17 June 2021

nag tangata 2021

Hi ladies and gentlemen today i am  going to be telling you guys about what a conflict is here is an exmple of what it is. it also is communication.

Santi asked jared if he could borrow his bike to go to soccer  practice. this is and brand new bike jared just got for his birthday, and he really doesn't want to lend it so santi promuses to take good care of it and says he would lend his bike to jared if he asked because they are friends so jared should do the same thing. 

Friday, 11 June 2021

nile crocodile

 here is ten facts about the nile crocodile in africa 

1 The Nile crocodile is the largest reptile in africa. 

2 Africa's largest crocodilian can reach a maximum size of about 20 feet and can weigh up to 1,650 

3 They are also known to be one of the most successful apex predators in the world. The bite of a crocodile is outstanding as it holds the record for the most powerful bite force in all of the animal kingdom. The Nile crocodile, in particular, has the most powerful bite than any other living creature in the world

4  bite force of a lion and about 30 times more than an average human being. Let's take a closer look at this magnificent predator and understand a little more about the Nile Crocodile.

5 The fight between these two mighty animals will be endless and the fight will have no definite outcome. A lion pride may attack a small crocodile sometimes and may kill it, but in some conditions a crocodile may drag a lion into the water then it will proceed to attack the Lion successfully.

 6 All crocodiles are semiaquatic and tend to congregate in freshwater habitats such as rivers, lakes, wetlands and sometimes in brackish water and saltwater

7 Who would win, a Crocodile or an alligator? An crocodile would win why because they have more bite pressure there bite pressure is 3700 and alligators bite pressure is 2900

8 a great withe shark could beat  a nile crocodile in a fight 

9 Tiger shark vs crocodile who would win the tiger shark would win because it is better in the water the the crocodile

10 a tiger can kill a Nile crocodile in a fight because a tiger is much bigger the a crocodile.

Thursday, 10 June 2021



Oour rights at hornby high school are to listen to the teacher. our responsibilittes at hornby high are to do the carr values and do our work to the best that the we can. 
What a values are. 
valuses are some thing that the teacher  acpect us to listen to and do and show all of them as well.
Our school values  are  Respect and  Commitmnet Resilience and Achievement and our school values are for just say i don,t show comitment which is were you have to commitment to doing your work and so on.
why i think our school values are important  because they are we need them to get carr card stames and wr do everything that we told to do.

Thursday, 3 June 2021

what is greek mytholgy

Hello welcome to blog.

Today i am  going to be telling you readers about greek mythogy and what it is.
And what gods and stuff are in it you will find out once you look at my slides.

Thanks for reading my blog please leave a helpful comment
thanks see you next time. 
And also tell me what i should do next time.