When you arrive on your first day of school you will get ot met your home room teacher and taken to your home room class and then get to meat your new class mats. a positive is geting car cards stamps when you get 20 car cards you get a 10$ to go to the hub or 10$ for the cafe. hornby high school goes to this thing e-velocity car race it is where build upon this electric car called the bullet and this go kart called the penguin and practice for this car race that will happen at some date and the one that you build is the once you finish the build on them. i did it this year and i would recommend to do t if you can i had a geart time doing it if you can. the counsellors are really good they talk about things that are happen to you or with you. the do eotc days which is were you get go out of school go to diffrent places like jellie park which is a swimingf pool last year we went to adrenalin Forest jellie park and city centre and this prk called Margaret mahy
Excellent effort in getting round to publishing your Blog Tane. I'm sorry we ran out of proof-reading time. Your information is very interesting, but we need to help you master the punctuation required to make it easy for readers of your Blog understand what it's all about. Great pic!:-)